Teagasc and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) hosted an information event for stakeholders from the farming industry, fertiliser industry and government policymakers on the 10th June 2016 at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin. Scientists from both institutes presented key results from a multi-site and multi-year experimental field trial that focused on both grassland and spring barley. The research findings highlighted practical ways for agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, maintain productivity and save farmers money.

A press release on the event is available here

The presentations from all speakers are available to download below.


Stakeholder Event


Please note:

AFBI and Teagasc’s use of a commercial product in this research does not imply any endorsement or warranty of any quality for any specific purpose, of such a product.


   1. Agenda, Catherine Watson (AFBI)

   2a. Reconciling Ireland’s production targets with environmental emissions, John Muldowney (DAFM)

   2b. Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions in agriculture in Northern Ireland, Lynne O’Neill (DAERA)

   3. Production and greenhouse gas emission targets in New Zealand, Warwick Catto (Ballance Agri-Nutrients)

   4. The gaseous emissions profile for the island of Ireland, Karl Richards (Teagasc)

   5. Fertiliser formulation for the reduction of gaseous emissions, Patrick Forrestal (Teagasc)

   6. Fertiliser N formulation – the impact on yield, David Wall (Teagasc)

   7. Gaseous N emissions from grazed grassland, Rachael Carolan (AFBI)

   8. New emissions profile of Irish agriculture and abatement potential, Gary Lanigan (Teagasc)


Botanic Gardens